Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 4: Patience

These are my last additions. On the left is 'Patience' On the right 'Karma' Two things that I have come to believe in. "Patiently waiting with faith & confidence will bring brilliant advancement." There are things in life that are worth waiting for. What those things are changes from person to person. I have waited for a few things. But mostly I have waited for people. People who won't disappoint me. There are a few in my life, but not many. Those that haven't, I learn to trust completely. There aren't many, but that's ok. As far as Karma goes? Well, it happens.
These 4 make 16 tatts so far. I do have a few more that I want to get. There are 3 more I want to get on my left ankle to finish that out. Maybe one more on my neck. Then I might be done. Who knows though. I still have a lot of my life left.

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