Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day 10: The Light

In the darkness there is always a light. It could be a small bright light. Or it could be as huge as the sun, showing the way that must be followed. For the longest time, I have looked for the light. Wanted to find the light, but never could. Even the smallest of lights would of made me happy. So far, I have seen glimmers, but those are short lived. I'll continue to search & wait cause that is the type of person I am. I don't give up easily & I never back down. What fun would that be if I did??

Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 9: Hidden Playground

Hidden in the backyard, just earshot from the house, 2 little ones decided to make a fort. Palm fronds tied together with neon green ribbon, being supported by skinny bamboo sticks. A wood floor pieced together by scraps from the garage. Here they are the rulers. The warriors. The victors. This is their Terabithia. They where very proud of their small hideout. Smiles to prove it.

Day 8: Rain.....

I have a thing for the rain. Bigger thing for thunderstorms. I love just sitting there, watching it. Some of my best memories with someone I dated was us laying together in bed, watching the rain hit the window, thunder in the distance. Just love it.

Day 7: Knowing is not always bad.

Our genealogy is something that all of us in my family know about. The first Hunter to come across the ocean was actually a Yaeger. His name was John & he settled in Tennessee. Johnson City to be exact. We are part German, Irish, & Native American. A few other bits from here & there also. Learning about where we come from has always been a journey my parents have taken us all on one time or another. My mom put together a bunch of pictures of her side of the family & like she did with us, is passing it all down to Morgan & Mark. Telling them stories about who mom thought was the last Cocowich on her side who was shot in the back during a bar fight. His picture hangs above the fireplace in my parents house.

Yeah I take pictures of a lot of things. This is Mark, my nephew standing in the shadow reflecting off of the pool. It didn't come out as cool as I was hoping, but hey, I tried.

Day 6: The small things.

This is just a field that I pass on my way to my sister's place in Lakeland. This is the first time that I can recall there being anything in this field besides cows. I have no idea what kind of flowers these are, but they are purple and that is really all that matters right?